Energy Bow Guitar 库是一种富有表现力的 Kontakt 乐器,由使用 E?Bow 演奏的 Fender American Standard Strat 录音制成。从 D2 调到 A5 的水滴中进行色度采样。我们安装了一个 Seymour Duncan Little ’59 双线圈拾音器以获得额外的延音,并且通过 Inward Connections Vac Rac 4000 前置放大器清晰地记录了所有内容。 24 位/44.1kHz。
The Energy Bow Guitar library is an expressive Kontakt instrument made from recordings of a Fender American Standard Strat played with an E?Bow. Sampled chromatically from a drop tuned D2 to A5. We fitted a Seymour Duncan Little ’59 humbucker for extra sustain and everything was recorded cleanly through an Inward Connections Vac Rac 4000 pre-amp. 24 Bit/44.1kHz.