Chamber Strings 是由专业录音工程师录制的高度详细且灵活的室内弦乐库(6、5、3、3、1)。一系列用于录制长音的激动人心和革命性的技术,以及新构思的脚本概念,使音乐家的自然动态动作得以保持,同时保持可玩性和直观性。风车巷是一个独特而精彩的配乐舞台,用于许多管弦乐、电影和电视项目。利用房间的干燥度,具有多个麦克风位置,可自然吸收空气。与颂扬最大灵活性的 Light and Sound 理念相一致,与在更环境环境中录制的样本相比,声音可以更自由地塑造。为了重现真实录音环境的自然流血,在录制每个乐器部分时,所有部分的近距离麦克风都保持打开状态,并设置为自然声像和电平。 “Bleeds”麦克风为模型和作品增添了独特而逼真的味道。
Chamber Strings is a highly detailed and flexible chamber string library (6,5,3,3,1) recorded by expert recording engineer. A range of exciting and revolutionary techniques for recording longs, as well as freshly conceived scripting concepts allowed the natural dynamic movements of the musicians to be maintained, while remaining playable and intuitive. Windmill Lane is a uniquely wonderful scoring stage, used on many orchestral, film and TV projects. Utilizing the dryness of the room feature multiple mic positions with natural air absorption. In line with the Light and Sound philosophy which celebrates maximum flexibility, the sound can be shaped more freely than with samples recorded in a more ambient environment. To recreate the natural bleed of a real recording environment, the close mics of all sections were left open and set at their natural panning and levels while recording each instrument section. The “Bleeds” mic adds a unique and realistic flavor to mockups and compositions.