管弦乐团音源 Fluid Shorts v1.1 KONTAKT

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<strong>One Kit Wonder:</strong> Aggressive […]



<strong>One Kit Wonder:</strong> Aggressive Rock 的目标是提供适合当代重摇滚的极其强劲的声音套件。受 Beartooth 等乐队的启发,我们选择了一个小型的低调鼓组以及切割、略显垃圾的镲片。这些鼓声与常规的不同之处在于没有分层的一次性样本 – 这是所有一组单独的鼓调整、设计和混合,以提供钝力攻击和霰弹枪式的房间氛围,传达力量和风格所需的侵略性。
One Kit Wonder: Aggressive Rock was conceived with the goal of delivering an extremely beefy sounding kit suitable for contemporary heavy rock. Inspired by bands like Beartooth, we chose a small setup of low-tuned drums along with cutting, slightly trashy cymbals. Where these drum tones stand apart from the norm is that there are no layered one-shot samples – this is all one single set of drums tuned, engineered and mixed to deliver the blunt force attack and shotgun-style room ambience that conveys the power and aggression needed for the style.
