迪斯科RS202弦乐 Strings 202 KONTAKT

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Olympus Elements 是一款功能强大的合唱乐器,适用于 Kontakt Player、Komple […]



Olympus Elements 是一款功能强大的合唱乐器,适用于 Kontakt Player、Komplete Kontrol 和 S 系列键盘,它将我们庞大的 63 声部 Olympus Symphonic Choir 的核心功能和原始声音力量放入一个紧凑且易于使用的界面中,并具有丰富的功能,动态可玩性和出色的声学效果。这个 Powered-By-Kontakt 库专为所有人设计,无论您是刚刚开始音乐生涯还是经验丰富的专业人士。如果您想要一个声音优美、高效且用户友好的合唱团,而无需复杂的抒情乐句或独奏内容,这就是您一直在等待的虚拟乐器。 Olympus Elements 包含适用于所有 8 个核心元音发音的宽闭舞台混合麦克风位置:Ah、Ee、Eh、Ei、Ih、Mm、Oh 和 Oo。合唱团是完全可配置的,可以独立控制男性和女性的分部。
Olympus Elements is a powerful choral instrument for Kontakt Player, Komplete Kontrol and S-Series Keyboards that puts the core functionality and raw sonic power of our massive 63-voice Olympus Symphonic Choir into a compact and easy-to-use interface, with rich features, dynamic playability and brilliant acoustics. This Powered-By-Kontakt library is designed for everyone, whether you’re just beginning your musical career or are a seasoned professional. If you want a glorious sounding, efficient and user-friendly choir without sophisticated lyrical phrasing or solo content, this is the virtual instrument you’ve been waiting for. Olympus Elements contains the wide close stage blend microphone position for all 8 core vowel articulations: Ah, Ee, Eh, Ei, Ih, Mm, Oh and Oo. The choir is completely configurable, with independent control over male and female divisi sections.
