分层变形合成器 WARP v1.2 KONTAKT

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我们开始了长达六个月的旅程,以填补我们认为当今合成器和样本库市场的空白。 Scoring Synths 是令人 […]



我们开始了长达六个月的旅程,以填补我们认为当今合成器和样本库市场的空白。 Scoring Synths 是令人兴奋的最终产品,它录制了世界上两个最具标志性的合成器,将它们重新放大或“世界化”到美国声音最好的现场之一,然后用一系列无价的老式麦克风重新录制它们。从合成器本身,到转换器、前置放大器、母带扬声器、麦克风和评分阶段,在创建这个强大的新工具的过程中没有做出任何声音妥协。 Scoring Synths 确实是同类中的第一个样本库。
We embarked upon a six month long journey to fill what we believe is a void in today’s synth and sample library market. Scoring Synths is the exciting end product of recording two of the most iconic synthesizers in the world, reamping or “worldizing” them into one of the best sounding live rooms in the U.S., and re-recording them with an array of priceless vintage microphones. From the synths themselves, to the converters, preamps, mastering loudspeakers, mics and scoring stage, not a single sonic compromise was made in the process of creating this powerful new tool. Scoring Synths truly is the first sample library of its kind.
