Pedal Steel,一种虚拟乐器,提供极具表现力和可演奏性的踏板钢吉他,专注于真实的演奏和易用性。 Kontakt Player 有源乐器能够同时演奏丰富的和声和响亮的主音。 Pedal Steel 专注于易用性。只需加载它,开始播放,您将立即获得从音符到音符的那些标志性滑音。深入了解“Harmonized Mono”模式,您将很快发现如何在单个音轨上演奏富有表现力的音程和和弦!无论您是在创作爵士乐、蓝调、乡村音乐还是配乐,我们认为您都会喜欢这款乐器的多功能性。
Pedal Steel, a virtual instrument that offers an extremely expressive and playable pedal steel guitar with a focus on authentic performances and ease-of-use. The Kontakt Player powered instrument is capable of playing rich harmonies and sonorous leads simultaneously. Pedal Steel focuses on ease of use. Simply load it up, start playing, and you’ll immediately get those signature glides from note to note. Dig a little deeper into the “Harmonized Mono” mode, and you’ll quickly discover how to perform expressive intervals and chords all on a single track! Whether you’re writing jazz, blues, country, or soundtracks, we think you’ll enjoy the versatility of this instrument.