卡西欧PD1000数字合成器 PD1000 Casio

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ASMR 4K 是面向 Lo-Fi 声音的多重采样铃、键和打击垫的集合,具有微小的特写噪声(ASMR 触发器) […]



ASMR 4K 是面向 Lo-Fi 声音的多重采样铃、键和打击垫的集合,具有微小的特写噪声(ASMR 触发器)、音调氛围、环境合成乐句、混响金属和现场录音。经过五年不断发展的大气和领域, 它的第一个带有纯旋律和和声乐器的系列。细腻坚韧的声音、缓慢演变的尾音、孤独、柔和的琴键和铃声、郁郁葱葱的打击垫、有机乙烯基般的噼啪声、分层模拟合成器、随机播放的金属、深沉的音景,所有这些都是根据现代叙事作曲的要求而制作的。
ASMR 4K is a collection of multisampled Bells, Keys and Pads oriented to Lo-Fi sounds, with tiny closeup noises (ASMR triggers), tonal Atmospheres, ambient synth Phrases, reverbered Metals and Field Recordings. After five years of ever-evolving atmospheres and fields,  its first collection with pure melodic, harmonic instruments. Delicate gritty sounds, slowly evolving tails, solitary, gentle keys and bells, lush pads, organic vinyl-like crackles, layered analog synths, randomly played metals, deep soundscapes, all made with the modern narrative composition demands in mind.
