Vertigo Violin 是我们交响乐系列的新成员。它是小提琴不同演奏技巧的令人兴奋的组合,已组装到我们现有的 Vertigo 引擎中。 Vertigo Violin 的声音既平滑又粗犷,为创造非常独特和柔和的弦乐器调音以及更极端和奇怪的音景开辟了可能性。所有这一切 – 一如既往 – 非常有机和活泼。它非常适合所有类型的电影音乐。此外,Vertigo 小提琴带有一个滑音补丁,可以在上下变化中演奏五度滑音——所有这些都在 1 到 8 个小提琴的复音中。本质上,眩晕小提琴是 14 种精心挑选的小提琴发音和其他声音的混合体,可以自由混合,以直观和简单的方式满足您的创意愿景。整体声音的特点是温暖而原始的小提琴合奏,具有特殊的有机风味。
Vertigo Violin is a new addition to our symphonic range. It is an exciting mixture of different playing techniques of the violin, which have been assembled into our existing Vertigo Engine. The sound of Vertigo Violin is both smooth and rough and opens up the possibility to create very unique and soft string instrument tunings as well as more extreme and strange sounding soundscapes. And all this is – as always – very organic and lively. It fits so well to all types of film music. In addition, Vertigo violin comes with a portamento patch that plays fifths portamento in up and down variations – all in a polyphony of 1 to 8 violins. Essentially Vertigo Violin is a melange of 14 meticulously selected violin articulations and additional sounds which can be mixed freely to fullfill your creative vision in an intuitive and easy way. The overall sound is characterised by a warm and raw violin ensemble, with a special organic flavor.