虚拟混合合成器 Pro II Synthesizer KONTAKT FiXED

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Bamboo Xaxophone 是一种奇怪的萨克斯风,是用……竹子制成的!竹萨克斯最初建于夏威夷,是一种半音 […]



Bamboo Xaxophone 是一种奇怪的萨克斯风,是用……竹子制成的!竹萨克斯最初建于夏威夷,是一种半音单簧管乐器,看起来像 Duduk 或直管中国长笛。它柔和而温暖的音色可能被误认为是单簧管和萨克斯管的有趣组合,而在高音域中,竹萨克斯管因其强劲但平衡的刺耳音色而出现。在这种情况下,我们认为“Xaxophone”可能是将其与其金属亲戚区分开来的正确名称!
The Bamboo Xaxophone is a sort of odd saxophone obtained out of… bamboo! Originally built in Hawai, the bamboo sax is a chromatic single reed instruments that looks like a Duduk or a straight Chinese flute. Its mellow and warm tone could be mistaken as an intriguing mix of clarinet and saxophone, whereas in the upper range the bamboo saxophone emerges for its strong but balanced shrill timbre. For the occasion we thought that “Xaxophone” could be the right name to distinguish it from its metallic relative!
