金属化愤怒低音合成器 NanoMod 10 Hard KONTAKT

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NOIRE,一种新的 Kontakt 乐器,可捕捉标志性的三角钢琴声音。该乐器 – 包括 Yama […]



NOIRE,一种新的 Kontakt 乐器,可捕捉标志性的三角钢琴声音。该乐器 – 包括 Yamaha CFX 9′ 音乐会三角钢琴的纯音和毛毡准备版本 – 在柏林 Funkhaus 录音中心的 Saal 3 丰富的环境环境中精心采样。结果是一种独特的、强烈的、令人回味的乐器,拥有自己的氛围。两个不同的样本集——纯净和有感觉的 NOIRE 为独奏作品、配乐等提供了新的声音灵感,两个不同的三角钢琴样本集。
NOIRE, a new Kontakt instrument that captures the signature grand piano sound. The instrument – which includes both pure and felt preparation versions of a Yamaha CFX 9’ concert grand – was meticulously sampled in the rich ambient environment of Saal 3 in Berlin’s Funkhaus recording complex. The result is a unique, intense, and evocative instrument, with an atmosphere all of its own. Two distinct sample sets – pure and felt NOIRE offers new sonic inspiration for solo compositions, scoring, and more, with two distinct grand piano sample sets.
