在洛杉矶索尼影业工作室的米高梅计分阶段录制的节奏锁定运行、音阶和撕裂的综合集合。 CineStrings RUNS 是世界上最适合作曲家的弦乐音阶、运行和翻录库。 CineStrings RUNS 在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的索尼影业工作室的世界著名的 MGM 评分舞台上录制,与我们的 CineStrings CORE 库和我们广受欢迎的 Hollywoodwinds 库相得益彰。 (映射与好莱坞之风相同。)没有什么能比在一个大房间里运行的实际弦乐录音更能产生更真实的弦乐部分声音。结合我们的高级脚本和易于使用的界面,对于任何需要为其模型添加更逼真的风格的人来说,这是一个非常令人信服的库。
A comprehensive collection of tempo-locked runs, scales and rips recorded at the MGM Scoring Stage at Sony Pictures Studios in Los Angeles. CineStrings RUNS is the most composer-friendly strings scales, runs and rips library in the world. Recorded at the world famous MGM Scoring Stage at Sony Pictures studios in Los Angeles, CA, CineStrings RUNS compliments both our CineStrings CORE library and our popular Hollywoodwinds library. (The mapping is identical to Hollywoodwinds.) Nothing can make for a more authentic string section sound than the actual recordings of strings runs in a great room. Combined with our advanced script and easy-to-use interface, this is a remarkably convincing library for anyone who needs to add a more realistic flair to their mockups.