Horns Pro 是最完整的铜管和木管乐器虚拟乐器库,适用于爵士、流行、大乐队、放克制作,还可以为您的电影和管弦乐曲目增添趣味。使用 Horns Pro,您可以获得 54 种独奏和 32 种分段乐器,分为四卷,其中包含彼此完美匹配的不同乐器组。凭借其最新的 Pro 更新,库首次推出相位同步样本,以实现速度之间的完美融合。这个过程优化了相互依赖的样本,并允许从钢琴到强音的柔滑平滑的速度交叉渐变。使用乐器的全部动态功能来创造生动的表演。
Horns Pro is the most complete virtual-instrument library of Brass & Woodwind instruments for Jazz, Pop, Big-Band, Funk production but also for spicing up your cinematic and orchestral tracks. With Horns Pro you get 54 Solo- and 32 Section-Instruments, divided into four volumes which contain different groups of instruments perfectly matching each other. With its latest Pro update, library debuts phase-synchronised samples for perfect blends between velocities. This procedure optimises interdependent samples and allows silky smooth velocity crossfades from piano to forte. Use the instrument′s full dynamic capabilities to create a vivid performance.