以原始清晰度采样的史诗青铜锣鼓库。一种高度通用的虚拟乐器,范围从亲密的轻拍到敲击的槌音。这是一个原始记录、深度采样的东南亚礼仪青铜锣鼓图书馆。这种特殊的鼓在其一生中的大部分时间都作为仪式鼓在地下,只是为了当地村庄的祖先和其他仪式而被取出。它是由著名的东南亚专家和人类学家安德鲁·特顿在 1970 年代在那里学习期间带回英国的。从那以后,它一直在他从该地区收集的手工艺品和乐器的私人收藏中。 <strong>鼓是干的</strong>。该库具有高度的可玩性,左手和右手分别映射,便于演奏和编程滚动和渐强。自定义 UI 界面允许控制延音、磁带饱和度和微妙的低端控制以及混响量和大小。
Epic bronze gong drum library sampled in pristine clarity. A highly versatile virtual instrument that ranges from intimate taps to ringing mallet booms. This is a pristinely recorded, deeply sampled library of a ceremonial bronze gong drum from South East Asia. This particular drum was in the ground for most of its lifetime as a ceremonial drum, only to be disenterred for ancestral and other rituals in the local village. It was brought back to the UK by renowned South East Asia expert and anthropologist Andrew Turton, during his studies there in the 1970s. It has since been in his private collection of artefacts and musical instruments from the region. The drum was recorded dry. The library is highly playable, with left hand and right hand separately mapped for easy playing and programming of rolls and crescendi. The custom UI interface allows for control of Sustain, Tape Saturation and subtle Low End control as well as Reverb amount and size.

@soul 0daydown 第一位是数字零