Adventure Strings 是我们首次推出的产品 Soaring Strings 的后续产品。由相同数量的演奏者表演,在同一个房间录制,坐在他们传统的位置上——两者都具有相同的表演美学。坚强、热情、充满活力。那么,为什么另一个字符串库具有相同的、熟悉的短发音集合呢?好吧,正是我们制作它们的方式使它变得有趣。短片通常是单独录制的——在录制过程中,每个小节可能只有一两个音符。这使编辑过程变得轻而易举,最终结果通常令人满意。理智的选择。使用 Adventure Strings,我们记录了重复的短语;以一定的节奏快速连续的音符。然后,我们对该乐句的每个音符进行编辑和编程,使其可播放,这导致了一个胎儿位置产生的后期制作过程。
Adventure Strings is the follow-up to our debut offering, Soaring Strings. Performed by the same number of players, recorded in the same room, seated in their traditional positions — both share the same performance aesthetic. Strong, passionate and relentlessly energetic. So why another string library with the same, familiar collection of short articulations? Well, it’s how we produced them that makes it interesting. Shorts are normally recorded in isolation — perhaps one or two notes per bar during the recording process. This makes the editing process a snap and the end result is often satisfactory. The sane choice. With Adventure Strings, we recorded repetition phrases; a quick succession of notes at a procured tempo. We then edited and programmed each note of that phrase to be playable, which resulted in a fetal position-incurring post-production process.