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我们很自豪地宣布 LASS First Chair 2 (LASS FC 2),它是 LASS Full 2 […]



我们很自豪地宣布 LASS First Chair 2 (LASS FC 2),它是 LASS Full 2 库的 2 个精简声音集之一。 LASS FC 2 具有由部门负责人演奏的独奏乐器。这些乐器听起来不像是“客座独奏者”,而是听起来像他们实际上的第一个椅子演奏者,与他们来自的部分完美融合。虽然 LASS FC 2 不包括 LASS Full 2 的 ARC(AB 远程控制),但 LASS FC 2 的所有补丁都与 LASS Full 的“First Chair”补丁相同……除了不包括 LASS Full 的舞台和颜色特征。但是,我们确实在 LASS FC 2 中添加了新的色彩技术。有一个新的“颜色”按钮,可让您使用我们的蝙蝠侠颜色配置文件。包括预编程的多音色,因此您可以简单地加载它们并播放!
We are proud to announce LASS First Chair 2 (LASS FC 2), one of the 2 reduced sound sets of LASS Full 2‘s library. LASS FC 2 features solo instruments performed by the section leaders. Rather than sounding like “guest soloists,” these instruments sound like the first chair players they actually are, blending perfectly with the sections they came from. While LASS FC 2 does not include LASS Full 2′s ARC (AB Remote Control), all of LASS FC 2′s patches are the same as LASS Full’s “First Chair” patches… with the exception of not including LASS Full’s Stage and Color features. However, we did add a taste of our new Color technology to LASS FC 2. There is a new “Color” button that lets you use our Bat Man Color profile. Pre-programmed Multis are included so you can simply load them up and play!!
