电影吉他音源 Opacity KONTAKT

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Electrophonics 是一个通过模块化合成系统处理的不拘一格的声音库。非常适合配乐工作,但对于为所有类 […]



Electrophonics 是一个通过模块化合成系统处理的不拘一格的声音库。非常适合配乐工作,但对于为所有类型的电子音乐添加纹理或更多有机元素同样有用。 有 138 个补丁(加上额外的 32 个带有节奏内容的 Time Machine 补丁),由 730 多个 24 位 44.1kHz 样本制成。这些补丁按类别排列:Coolicon、Drones、Filter Sweeps、Modular Tones、Odyssey FX、Percussion、Space Atmospheres 和 Zither。还有来自 Roland SRE-555 和 Doepfer A-199 弹簧混响的卷积脉冲。
Electrophonics is an eclectic library of sounds processed through a modular synth system. Great for soundtrack work, but equally useful for adding texture or more organic elements to all types of electronic music.  There are 138 patches (plus an additional 32 Time Machine versions of patches with rhythmic content), made from more than 730, 24 bit 44.1kHz samples. The patches are arranged in categories: Coolicon, Drones, Filter Sweeps, Modular Tones, Odyssey FX, Percussion, Space Atmospheres, and Zither. There are also convolution impulses from a Roland SRE-555 and a Doepfer A-199 spring reverb.
