电影摇滚梦境吉他音源 Dream Guitars 2 KONTAKT

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Classic EP-88s 有更多的采样、更大的动态和更多的键 – 其中 88 个! (与 Ma […]



Classic EP-88s 有更多的采样、更大的动态和更多的键 – 其中 88 个! (与 Mark 1 相比)任何尝试过修复此类乐器的人都知道,最低和最高八度音阶所花费的时间与其他琴键加起来的时间一样多——这是一场真正的战斗,您需要很大的耐心,大量的备件和一些运气。我们花费大量时间清理样本中的噪音——每个样本都经过四个阶段,最后两个阶段是手工完成的。这样做的原因是我们希望能够提供具有极端高音 EQ 设置的预设,而不会产生额外的噪音 – 并且不会损害录音的任何部分。
Classic EP-88s has more samples, greater dynamics and more keys – 88 of them! (compared to Mark 1) Anyone who has tried to restore an instrument like this knows that the lowest and highest octaves take as much time as the rest of the keys put together – It’s a true battle where you need a lot of patience, lots of spare parts and some luck too. We spend an enormous amount of time cleaning the samples for noise – each sample went through four stages, where the last two were done by hand. The reason for this was the fact that we wanted to be able to offer presets with extreme treble EQ settings without having extra noise – and without hurting any part of the recordings.
