THE INFERNO BASS 是一种广泛采样的虚拟贝司乐器,与 Native Instruments 的 Kontakt 5.5 及更高版本的完整版本兼容。基于备受追捧的加拿大贝斯,我们想要捕捉世界领先的乐器开发商之一提供的凶猛和强度。为此,我们花费了大量时间来确保流程的每一步都符合仪器应得的标准。结果?炽热的贝斯音色,在混音的中心点燃火焰。
THE INFERNO BASS is an extensively sampled virtual bass instrument, compatible with the full versions of Native Instruments’ Kontakt 5.5 and above. Based on a highly sought after, Canadian bass, we wanted to capture the ferocity and intensity provided by one of the world’s leading instrument developers. To do that, we spent an insane amount of time ensuring every step of the process met the standards the instrument deserved. The result? A red-hot bass sound that lights a fire right in the centre of your mix.