它最初于 8 世纪从中国传入日本,并在江户时代初期复兴。尺八传统上由竹子制成,但现在有 ABS 和硬木版本。它被禅宗福克派的僧侣用于修禅。它也是电影作曲家詹姆斯霍纳的最爱,并用于他的无数电影配乐。
It was originally introduced from China into Japan in the 8th century and underwent a resurgence in the early Edo Period. The shakuhachi is traditionally made of bamboo, but versions now exist in ABS and hardwoods. It was used by the monks of the Fuke school of Zen Buddhism in the practice of suizen. It was also a favorite of film composer James Horner and used on countless of his film scores.