当您玩得开心时,最好的音乐创意就会发生!遵循这个座右铭,我们开发了 Spaghetti Western,这是一个独特的图书馆,灵感来自 Sergio Leone 三部曲和最著名的 Spaghetti Western 电影的典型音景。一年多前被认为是一个笑话,我们一直在寻找特别有趣且易于玩的东西,并确定了这个想法。我们发现它是一种鼓舞人心的工具,可以强烈地驱动作曲家的手、心和思想。就像在沙漠中,海市蜃楼会把你带离计划的目的地很远,你会在意大利西部片中发现同样的情况:时间飞逝,你会发现自己在旧西部徘徊,周围环绕着令人讨厌的人物。不过不用担心;在 Spaghetti Western 中,您将配备必要的装备,成为故事的主人公。我们真诚地希望您在这场友好的音乐大战中能像我们在录音时一样享受乐趣。欢迎来到意大利面西部! Spaghetti Western 拥有 28 种独特的乐器,是一系列优美的乐器,可创建您自己的 Spaghetti Western 配乐。
The best musical ideas happen when you’re having fun! By following this motto, we developed Spaghetti Western, a unique library inspired by the Sergio Leone trilogy and the typical soundscapes of the most famous Spaghetti Western movies. Conceived as a joke over a year ago, we were looking for something particularly fun and easy to play and settled on this idea. We found it to be an inspiring tool that could strongly drive the hand, the heart and the mind of the composer. As in the desert, where mirages can drive you far away from the planned destination, you’ll find the same happens in Spaghetti Western: time flies and you’ll find yourself wandering the Old West, surrounded by unsavory figures. Not to worry, though; in Spaghetti Western you’ll be equipped with the necessary gear to be the hero of the story. We sincerely hope that you have as much fun in this friendly musical battle as we did during the recordings. Welcome to Spaghetti Western! Featuring 28 unique instruments, Spaghetti Western is a collection of beautifully sounding instrument to create your own Spaghetti Western soundtracks.