灵魂乐人声乐器音源 ETHERA Soul Edition KONTAKT

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新一代的虚拟吉他乐器就在这里!为您的音乐带来 8 弦的力量。 Cabal 8 具有大量新鲜和前沿的可能性,详情 […]



新一代的虚拟吉他乐器就在这里!为您的音乐带来 8 弦的力量。 Cabal 8 具有大量新鲜和前沿的可能性,详情如下。在 Cabal 8 连续创作一年半的时间里,Wavelet Audio 实现了许多功能,让您可以前所未有地灵活使用吉他。他们的乐器便于编写极其详细的 MIDI 部分,以及实时快速草图。 Cabal 8 使您能够创建强大而自然的八弦吉他声部,模仿实际的吉他演奏!吉他适合各种风格的工作。不要只局限于硬音乐流派。
The new breed of virtual guitar instruments is here! Bring 8-string power to your music. Cabal 8 features tons of fresh and cutting-edge possibilities detailed below. For one and a half years of continuous creation of Cabal 8, Wavelet Audio have implemented many features that allow you to use the guitar flexibly as never before. Their instrument is convenient for writing extremely detailed MIDI parts, as well as for quick sketches in real-time. Cabal 8 enables you to create powerful and natural eight-string guitar parts that imitate actual guitar playing! The guitar is suitable for work in various styles. Don’t limit yourself with only hard music genres.
