现代人声音源 Vox Engine 3 KONTAKT

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我们广受欢迎的“个性钢琴”系列的延续。闪亮的钢琴泛音,在华丽的施坦威 D 音乐会三角钢琴上演奏。在具有多个麦克 […]



我们广受欢迎的“个性钢琴”系列的延续。闪亮的钢琴泛音,在华丽的施坦威 D 音乐会三角钢琴上演奏。在具有多个麦克风视角的音乐厅中进行深度采样。专为免费的 Kontakt 播放器而设计,并考虑了现代电影和电视作曲家。 Glacier Keys 是钢琴谐波的集合,在施坦威 D 音乐会三角钢琴上演奏,并在现代音乐厅环境中以令人难以置信的细节进行采样。泛音是通过将手指轻轻放在弦的中间产生的,在弦的自然音符之上产生一个八度的音高,从而产生美丽的玻璃般的音色,非常适合新古典、环境和最小的作品,或任何在这种情况下,您需要一架比平常更令人回味、更闪亮的钢琴。尽管这是一个“扩展技术”库,但我们已经花费了额外的精力使其尽可能可玩。你可以像普通钢琴一样处理它——它被编程为使中间 C 听起来像中间 C,即使产生音符的实际键是低于八度的。我们还将近距离麦克风放置在比正常位置更靠左的位置,以便立体声图像以发声的中间 C 为中心。
A continuation of our sought-after ‘character pianos’ collection. Glistening piano harmonics, performed on a gorgeous Steinway D concert grand. Deep sampled in a concert hall with multiple microphone perspectives. Built for the free Kontakt Player with the modern film and TV composer in mind. Glacier Keys is a collection of piano harmonics, performed on a Steinway D concert grand and sampled in incredible detail in a modern concert hall setting. Harmonics are produced by gently placing a finger on the middle of the string, producing a pitch an octave above the natutral note of the string, resulting in a beautiful glass-like timbre, perfect for neo-classical, ambient and minimal compositions, or any situation where you need a piano with a more evocative, glistening tone than usual. Although this is an ‘extended technique’ library, we’ve spent extra care making it as playable as possible. You can approach it in the same way as a regular piano – it is programmed so that middle C sounds like middle C, even though the actual key that produced the note was an octave below. We also positioned the close mics further left than normal, so that the stereo image is centered around the sounding middle C.
