动作镜头预告片特效音源 Braams v1.1 KONTAKT

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由屡获殊荣的 DRONAR Engine for Kontakt 提供支持,Orchestral Woodwi […]



由屡获殊荣的 DRONAR Engine for Kontakt 提供支持,Orchestral Woodwinds 只需几个键(推荐一到四个)即可创建复杂的、思维扩展的氛围。 DRONAR 引擎会在中音范围内自动展开和弦,添加根低音音符、高音,然后添加不断变化的音效。然后使用 LFO、节奏音序器和琶音器对八个同时不同的声音进行动画处理,使它们栩栩如生。结果丰富而富有戏剧性。 Orchestral Woodwinds 非常适合媒体作曲家和声音设计师,围绕长笛、短笛、单簧管、双簧管和巴松管演奏的优质录音而构建。在 DRONAR 引擎中,八种独立的声音由独立的琶音器和调制器进行动画处理,以营造出超凡脱俗的希望光环,并带有一丝神秘的鸟类和森林绿色。
Powered by the award-winning DRONAR Engine for Kontakt, Orchestral Woodwinds can create complex, mind-expanding atmospheres triggered by just a few keys (one to four recommended). The DRONAR Engine automatically spreads out the chord in the mid-range, adds a root bass note, a high note and then adds evolving sound effects. Eight simultaneous different sounds are then animated with LFOs, a rhythm sequencer and arpeggiators to bring them to life. The results are rich and dramatic. Perfect for media composers and sound designers, Orchestral Woodwinds has been built around premium recordings of flute, piccolo, clarinet, oboe and bassoon performances. In the DRONAR Engine, eight separate sounds are animated by independent arpeggiators and modulations to conjure an otherworldly halo of hope with a hint of mythical birds and forest green.
