一系列温暖而富有情感的旋律预设,由戏剧性的样本源制成。 Dawn 对 Ambition 来说是一次启发性的音乐体验。 Dawn 融合了上升和强劲的混合得分要素。黑暗的打击垫、富有表现力的纹理、设计的合成器、实验键、丰富的模块化节奏和环境电影声音完善了 Ambition 的混合扩展声音包。聆听黎明和黄昏的声音展示 了解有关如何创建 Ambition 扩展声音包的更多信息。
A collection of warm and emotive melodic presets made from dramatic sample sources. Dawn is an illuminating musical experience for Ambition. Dawn includes a blend of rising and strong hybrid scoring essentials. Dark pads, expressive textures, designed synths, experimental keys, lush modular rhythms and ambient cinematic sounds round out this hybrid expansion sound pack for Ambition. Listen to the Dawn and Dusk Showcase of Sounds Learn more about how Ambition Expansion Sound Packs were created.