Solos of the Sea – Solo Violin A 是一种非常简单的独奏连奏乐器。图书馆继续沿着展开的 Con Moto 系列的路线,带有“active-bow”延音和连奏记录 con moto(带运动)。后者在这里通过“音高记忆”适应进行了扩展,这有助于最大限度地减少音乐家对延音和较短连奏资产之间的音色变化的敏感性。
Solos of the Sea – Solo Violin A is a very simple solo legato instrument. The library continues along the lines of the unfolding Con Moto series with ‘active-bow’ sustains and legatos recorded con moto (with motion). The latter is here expanded upon with a ‘pitch-memory’ adaptation, which helps minimize a musician’s susceptibility to timbral variation between sustain and shorter legato assets.