颗粒纹理鸟笛音源 Quantum Bird Whistle

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介绍自定义 VL-1。卡西欧 VL-Tone 系列中的第一款乐器。它具有合成器、音序器和计算器。因其独特的低保 […]



介绍自定义 VL-1。卡西欧 VL-Tone 系列中的第一款乐器。它具有合成器、音序器和计算器。因其独特的低保真声音而受到许多电子音乐家的喜爱。最引人注目的是 Athlete、Dee Lite、Trio、The Human League、Talking Heads 等等。包括速度、驱动和温度控制,以巧妙地编辑样本。&nbsp; <em>包括 ADSR 编程补丁</em> 通过键入用于编程这个小野兽的许多八位数字序列创建的小 blippy lo-fi 合成器声音。
Introducing the Custom VL-1. Casio’s first instrument in the VL-Tone line. It featured synth, sequencer and calculator. Loved by many electronic musicians for it’s unique, lo-fi sounds. Most notably used by Athlete, Dee Lite, Trio, The Human League, Talking Heads and many more. Includes speed, drive and warmth controls to subtly edit the samples.  Includes ADSR programmed patches Little blippy lo-fi synth sounds created by typing in many sequences of eight digit numbers used to programme this little beast.
