黑暗死亡哨声音源 aztec death whistle kontakt

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<b>更新了新的 Kontakt 5 和 Kontakt 6 乐器,后者利用了新的 Kontakt […]



<b>更新了新的 Kontakt 5 和 Kontakt 6 乐器,后者利用了新的 Kontakt 6 延迟和混响。 </b>在开发比音乐更大气的 AirWaves 时,使用正弦波解调器信号的传统音乐合成器会很有趣,因此 AirTones 诞生了。声音使用收音机上的各种音调和信号来创建振荡器。它们是 lofi 并且带有任何声音和噪音,为音调增添独特的个性。他们在 Cassetto 引擎中进行了尝试,发现它非常适合探索音调。这样做的好处是预设是交叉兼容的,因此包括所有 Cassetto 预设以及为 AirTones 专门创建的 100 个。如果您拥有 Cassetto,您还可以将 AirWaves Presets 复制到您的 Cassetto 文件夹以在那里使用它们。显然,由于声源不同,它们听起来会完全不同,但可能会非常有趣!
Updated with new Kontakt 5 and Kontakt 6 Instruments, the latter makes use of the new Kontakt 6 delay and reverb. Whilst working on AirWaves which is more atmospheric than musical, it occurred that a traditionally musical synthesizer using the sine wave de-modulator signals would be interesting, and so AirTones was born. The sounds use various tones and signals found on the radio to create the oscillators. They are lofi and come with whatever sound and noise is present to add a unique character to the tones. They were tried in the Cassetto engine and it was found to be perfect for exploring the tones. The great thing about doing this is that the presets are cross compatible and so all of the Cassetto presets are included as well as 100 specially created for AirTones. If you own Cassetto you can also copy the AirWaves Presets to your Cassetto folder to use them there. Obviously they will sound radically different due to the different sound sources, but can be very interesting!
