将光芒四射的 12 弦吉他与 BALALAIKA 的标志性音色搭配,我们为您带来了 Origins 系列的第三款产品。强大的 Multi-Arpeggio-Designer (MAD) 使用这些精心挑选的弹拨乐器打开了一个全新的可能性世界:用 Origins 传统中的空灵纹理、民族颤音、神秘闪光和其他声音创作丰富您的作品,大胆尝试踏入现代流派,将焦点放在乐器温暖、明亮的音色上,或将电子、坚韧的氛围带入混音中。从众多现成的预设或颜色配置文件中进行选择,并播放您脑海中展开的任何组合或进程,因为该乐器将其魔力添加到您的创意输入中。与往常一样,独立演奏两种乐器的能力,具有鼓舞人心的模式以及单音符、和弦和节奏以及完整的自定义选项,将帮助您保持便捷的工作流程并获得真正独特的结果。
Pairing a radiant 12-STRING guitar with the signature sound of the BALALAIKA, we bring you the third entry in our Origins series. The powerful Multi-Arpeggio-Designer (MAD) opens up a whole new world of possibilities with these carefully selected plucked string instruments: Enrich your composition with ethereal textures, ethnic trills, mystic shimmers and other sonic creations in the Origins tradition, take a bold step into modern genres and shine the spotlight on the instrument’s warm, bright timbre, or bring an electric, gritty vibe into the mix. Choose from numerous ready-to-go presets or color profiles and play any combination or progression unfolding in your mind as the instrument adds its magic to your creative input. As always, the ability to play both instruments interlocking, independently, with inspiring patterns as well as single notes, chords and rhythms on the fly with full customization options will help you keep an expedient workflow as well as achieve truly unique results.