未来综合乐器音源 Aquiver v1.2 KONTAKT

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TBO 是在瑞典斯德哥尔摩的 OAL 工作室使用雅马哈 C7 三角钢琴录制的。我们使用一对匹配的 Neuman […]



TBO 是在瑞典斯德哥尔摩的 OAL 工作室使用雅马哈 C7 三角钢琴录制的。我们使用一对匹配的 Neumann SM2 来拾取这个伟大乐器的声音。 <b>MkII</b> 由于采样器已经变得更加先进,而 TBO 仍然是我们最受欢迎的钢琴之一,我们决定更新它并在最初的想法中添加一些功能。我们还添加了锤击和踏板噪声样本。然后我们添加了真正的共振功能并使用 Kontakts 脚本工具来制作实时/真正的踏板、交感共振和其他一些漂亮的功能,以及,瞧:TBO MkII
The TBO, was recorded at OAL studios in Stockholm Sweden using a Yamaha C7 Grand Piano. We used a matched pair of Neumann SM2 for picking up the sound of this great instrument. The MkII Since the samplers has been become more advanced and the TBO still are one of our most popular pianos, we decided to bring it up to date and add some functions in the line of the original ideas. We also added hammerback and pedalnoise samples. Then we added our True Resonance feature and used Kontakts scripting facilities to make Real Time/True Pedaling, Sympathetic Resonance and some other nifty features, and, Voila: The TBO MkII
