深邃大气综合音源 Moonscapes KONTAKT

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Swarmandal 这个名字结合了 swara(音符)和 mandal(组),代表产生一组音符的能力。该乐器 […]



Swarmandal 这个名字结合了 swara(音符)和 mandal(组),代表产生一组音符的能力。该乐器用作声乐印度斯坦古典音乐的伴奏乐器。它也被称为 Sur-mandal。披头士乐队 1967 年的单曲“Strawberry Fields Forever”中有一个由 George Harrison 演奏的 swarmandal,乐队中士的“Within You without You”也是如此。 Pepper 的 Lonely Hearts Club 乐队专辑。有了这个库,您可以在映射区域中映射您自己的 raga 乐句以创建一个群体效果,还可以使用演奏范围来演奏您的旋律。库中包含 30 个 Raga 预设以及每个 raga 的快速基本注释。该库是用拨片和拇指录制的,所有的琴弦都以特定的方式拨弦,非常类似于“萨罗德”的拨弦风格,创造出圆润稳定的声音。由于细心的拨弦风格,整个乐器听起来非常情绪化。
The name Swarmandal combines swara (notes) and mandal (group) , which represents the ability to produce a group of notes. This instrument is used as an accompanying instrument for vocal Hindustani classical music. It is also known by the name of Sur-mandal. The Beatles’ 1967 single “Strawberry Fields Forever” features a swarmandal, played by George Harrison, as does “Within You Without You”, from the band’s Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album. With this library you can map your own raga phrase in mapping zone to create a swarmandal effect and also use the playing range to play your melody. 30 Raga Presets are included within the library along with quick basic notes on each raga . The library was recorded with plectrum and thumb , all the strings were plucked in specific way which is very similar to “Sarod” plucking style creating a rounded stable sound. Overall instrument sounds really emotional due to the careful plucking style.
