Distorchestra 是第 13 个 DRONAR 模块。回到他们流行的第一个“混合”模块的电影声音,Distorchestra 使用由声音设计天才 Alessandro Camnasio(Aquaman、Us、神奇野兽)处理的管弦乐样本(弦乐、铜管和木管乐器)来创建无限复杂的有机垫质地 声音从优美动人到紧张恐怖,但它们始终具有表现力、电影感和最高质量。 DRONAR 是一个深沉、富有表现力和创新的氛围声音创造者,每个模块都探索不同的声音和音乐领域。在 Distorchestra 中,铜管乐器、木管乐器和弦乐效果和音符的现场录音经过声音设计大师 Alessandro Camnasio 的专业处理和转换,变成了奇怪的新声音,保留了原始音频的有机、电影品质。在 DRONAR 的辉煌引擎中,8 种独立的声音由独立的琶音器和调制器进行动画处理,以召唤出一个超凡脱俗的、不断发展的合成器引擎。
Distorchestra is the 13th DRONAR Module. Harking back to the cinematic sound of their popular first “Hybrid” module, Distorchestra uses orchestral samples (strings, brass and woodwinds) processed by sound design genius Alessandro Camnasio (Aquaman, Us, Fantastic Beasts) to create an infinity of complex, organic pad texture The sounds range from beautiful and emotional to tense and horrific but they are always expressive, cinematic and the highest possible quality. DRONAR is a deep, expressive and innovative atmospheric sound creator, each module exploring a different area of sound & music. In Distorchestra, live recordings of brass, woodwinds and strings effects and notes have been expertly processed and transformed by sound design master Alessandro Camnasio into strange new sounds that retain the organic, cinematic quality of the original audio. In DRONAR’s glorious engine 8 separate sounds are animated by independent arpeggiators and modulations to conjure an otherworldly, evolving synth engine.