Vocal Acapellas SAMPLES WAV MiDi

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“Vocal Acapellas”是一组令人惊叹的旋律和性感女声。每首曲目都经过深情书写,旨在传达强大的信息和 […]



“Vocal Acapellas”是一组令人惊叹的旋律和性感女声。每首曲目都经过深情书写,旨在传达强大的信息和故事,让您的音乐栩栩如生。里面有 10 首完整的歌曲,包括诗句、合唱和伴唱词干。所有样本都有带有混响、延迟和立体声加宽等效果的湿版和干版,适合那些希望使用原始文件并添加自己的效果的人。您还将获得每首曲目的 10 个文本歌词和 10 个 MIDI 和弦进行形式的精彩奖励。在 90 到 140 BPM 的速度下,“DABRO Vocal Acapellas”非常适合 House、Rock、Indie、Dubstep、Blues、Hip Hop、Trap 和 RnB。每首歌曲都以指定的音调演奏,以确保轻松集成到您的项目中。详细期望找到 44 个单独的 24 位 WAV 文件,其中包含 10 首完整歌曲、22 个声带(干湿)、10 个 MIDI 和弦进程和 10 个歌词表。所有内容都是 100% 免版税的,可以立即部署到您的音乐中。
‘Vocal Acapellas’ is an amazing collection of melodic and sensual female vocals. Each track is soulfully written to convey powerful messages and stories that will bring your music to life. Inside there are 10 full songs with included verses, chorus and backing vocal stems. All samples come in both the wet version with effects such as reverb, delays and stereo widening & the dry version for those who wish to use the files raw and add their own effects. You will also receive a wonderful bonus in the form of 10 text lyric and 10 MIDI chord progressions for each track. At tempos from 90 to 140 BPM, ‘DABRO Vocal Acapellas’ is ideally suited to House, Rock, Indie, Dubstep, Blues, Hip Hop, Trap, and RnB. Each song is performed in a specified musical key to ensure easy integration into your projects. In detail expect to find 44 individual 24-Bit WAV files with 10 full songs, 22 vocal stems (wet & dry), 10 MIDI chords progressions and 10 song lyric sheets. All content are 100% Royalty-Free and ready for immediate deployment in your music.
