Essential Big Fat Room Vol.1 WAV MiDi

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“Essential Big Fat Room Vol 1”是一系列新的强大循环中的第一个。具有主循环、低音循 […]



“Essential Big Fat Room Vol 1”是一系列新的强大循环中的第一个。具有主循环、低音循环、主 MIDI 循环、低音 MIDI 循环、FX 和 50 个低音底鼓,所有部件都提供干湿格式。本产品适用于 House、Tech House、Electro 和 Progressive 的生产商。如果您喜欢 Tiesto、W&W、Showtek、Hardwell、Dimitri Vegas 和 Like Mike 等带有硬鼓和主音的曲目,那么这个包适合您。
‘Essential Big Fat Room Vol 1’ is the first in a new series of powerful loops. Featuring lead loops, bass loops, lead MIDI loops, bass MIDI loops, FX and 50 bass kicks, all parts are available in wet and dry formats. This product is suitable for producers of House, Tech House, Electro and Progressive. If you love tracks with hard and fat drums and leads, like those of Tiesto, W&W, Showtek, Hardwell, Dimitri Vegas, and Like Mike, this pack is for you.
