Rezonator v1.1 KONTAKT

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基于前两位混合鼓设计师和鼓组制造商 Konstruktor 和 Fabrikator 的优势,并保持原始、未经 […]



基于前两位混合鼓设计师和鼓组制造商 Konstruktor 和 Fabrikator 的优势,并保持原始、未经修饰的打击乐声音的精神,Rezonator 探索了深度电子鼓组和嘈杂的集群打击乐之间的矛盾之美,并用卷积着色。专注的电子套件设计是一种全新的声学打击乐器调色板的基础。电子鼓与定制集群乐器(有机、金属和塑料手打击乐)配对的简单性旨在最大限度地增加混乱并提供几乎无穷无尽的组合。离散声音处理用于制作 122 种多采样合成鼓乐器,包括 pultech 滤波器、磁带轮廓、管/阀和哇音踏板,以及 250 种多采样打击乐器,包括定制振动器、摇铃、敲击器、快板、鼓、踝铃……以及以前从未见过或听过的噪音源。
Building on the strengths of the previous two hybrid drum designers and kit builders, Konstruktor and Fabrikator, and keeping with the ethos of raw, unpolished percussive sound, Rezonator explores the beauty of contradiction between deep electronic kits and noisy cluster percussion, colored with convolution. Focused electronic kit design is the foundation for a radically new kind of acoustic percussion palette. The simplicity of electronic drums paired with custom cluster instruments—organic, metal, and plastic hand percussion—designed to maximize mayhem and offer practically endless combinations. Discrete sound treatments were used to produce 122 multi-sampled synthetic drum instruments, including pultech filter, tape profile, tube/valve, and wah pedal, and 250 multi-sampled percussion instruments, including custom shakers, rattles, clackers, clappers, drums, ankle bells…and noise sources never seen or heard before.
