Sounds Of Kashmir WAV MiDi SYLENTH1 SPiRE

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在此包中,您将找到 <b>8 个令人惊叹的构建套件、24 个旋律循环、51 个 Sylenth1 […]



在此包中,您将找到 <b>8 个令人惊叹的构建套件、24 个旋律循环、51 个 Sylenth1 和 Spire 预设以及 20 个额外的鼓样本</b>,全部 100% 免版税。&nbsp;这些声音是<b>从头开始</b>制作的,具有最高的精度和可访问的功能。&nbsp;这使每个制作人都可以为游戏带来<b>全新的声音和曲调</b>,并以完美的声音而闻名。&nbsp;此包直接针对所有 <b>Electro、Progressive、Future House、Big Room 和 House</b> 制作人。&nbsp;受到 <b>KSHMR、R3hab、Headhunterz、KURA</b> 和其他 <b>Spinnin</b> 的超级明星的启发。&nbsp;所有内容都是 100% 免版税和 100% 可用的。
In this pack you will find 8 stunning Construction Kits, 24 melody loops, 51 Sylenth1 & Spire presets and 20 bonus drum samples, all 100% Royalty-Free.  These sounds were crafted from scratch and with the maximum precision and accessible power.  This allows each producer to bring brand new sounds and tunes to the game and be known for the perfect sound.  This pack is aimed squarely at all Electro, Progressive, Future House, Big Room and House producers.  Inspired by KSHMR, R3hab, Headhunterz, KURA & other Spinnin‘ superstars.  All content is 100% Royalty-Free, and 100% usable.
