Ultimate FX Volume 4 是一个全新的样本包,其中包含适用于您的电子音乐作品的音效。这个包包含 110 个 FX,分为以下文件夹:环境循环、上升、合成 FX 和人声循环。白噪声和声音效果是成为您的安排中的能量控制大师的第一工具,更具体地说是在过渡中。它们有助于使您的曲目中的能量在正确的位置上下波动,这使您的安排听起来合乎逻辑且令人愉快。这些 110 种声音 FX 与才华横溢的制作人 Adam Navel 一起以 WAV 16 位 / 44.1 kHz 录制。它们是为您的安排添加白噪声、深度和氛围层以及为您的过渡增加强度的完美选择。
Ultimate FX Volume 4 is a brand new sample pack containing sound effects for your electronic music productions. This pack contains 110 FX, categorized into the following folders : Ambient Loops, Rise Ups, Synth FXs, and Vocal Loops. White noise and sound effects are the number #1 tool to become a master of energy control in your arrangements and more specifically in transitions. They help in making the energy in your track go up and down in the right places, which makes your arrangement sound logical and enjoyable. These 110 sound FX were recorded in WAV 16 Bit / 44.1 kHz alongside talented producer Adam Navel. They are the perfect choice for adding layers of white noise, depth and atmosphere to your arrangements and for adding intensity to your transitions.