您是否需要将您的作品提升到一个新的水平?找不到合适的歌手来提升您的音乐创作?或者,也许您只需要一首鼓舞人心的歌曲和出色的人声录音来帮助您制作下一个大房间 EDM 粉碎机。最新一期的 Voice 7 功能的 6 种果酱包装声乐制作套件配备了一位了不起的新男歌手。这些人声肯定会进入商业制作,所以为什么不是你的。从我们的工作室到您的工作室,这个制作包包含您需要的所有声乐工具,让您轻松进入制作人席位。
Do you need to take your productions to the next level? Can’t find a suitable singer to elevate your musical creation? Or maybe you just need an inspirational song and a great vocal recording to help you make the next big room EDM smasher. Look no further with newest instalment Voice 7 feature’s 6 jam packed vocal production kits featuring an amazing new Male vocalist. These vocals are sure to find their way into commercial productions, so why not yours. From our studio to yours, this production pack features all the vocal tools you will need to get you in the producer seat with no fuss.