Ambient Minimalism KONTAKT

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独特的基于乐句和纹理的虚拟乐器,可用于快速轻松地创建美丽而令人回味的环境音景、背景音轨和电影提示。 Ambie […]



独特的基于乐句和纹理的虚拟乐器,可用于快速轻松地创建美丽而令人回味的环境音景、背景音轨和电影提示。 Ambient Minimalism 中的每个乐器音色都包含数十种声音,例如俏皮的吉他效果、令人难以忘怀的优美人声、定制的垫子等等,为您提供各种各样的音乐元素和主题。所有乐器 Patch 都记录在同一个调中,因此您可以混合和匹配任何 Patch 中的任何声音,并轻松实现高度音乐化的效果。此外,一组 12 个键开关(红色)可用于即时更改任何音乐元素(循环、垫等)的键,允许您弹奏任何键并使用一个手指的触摸。
Unique phrase and texture-based virtual instrument that can be used to quickly and easily create beautiful and evocative ambient soundscapes, backing tracks, and cinematic cues. Each instrument patch in Ambient Minimalism contains dozens of sounds, such as playful guitar effects, hauntingly beautiful vocals, custom created pads, and so much more to give you a wide variety of musical elements and motifs to work from. All instrument patches were recorded in the same key, so you can mix and match any of the sounds across any of the patches and easily achieve highly musical results. Additionally, a set of 12 key-switches (colored red) can be used to change the key of any musical element (loop, pad, etc) on the fly, allowing you to play in any key and create chord progressions or modulations with the touch of a finger.
