Chill Out Ecstacy Vol.6 WAV-FANTASTiC

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“Chillout Ecstasy Vol.6”为您带来五种专业创作的 WAV 格式的 Ambient/Chi […]



“Chillout Ecstasy Vol.6”为您带来五种专业创作的 WAV 格式的 Ambient/Chillout 音乐构建套件,使用吉他、钢琴、合成器和萨克斯管独奏。包含的环境打击垫和钢琴音轨将增强您的创意,以制作成功的环境、放松、世界、流行、融合、实验和电影配乐。 “Chillout Ecstasy Vol 6”包含五个 Chillout 构建套件,其中包含所有单独的会话和 WAV 格式的音轨,可用于任何 DAW。
‘Chillout Ecstasy Vol.6’ brings you five professionally created Construction Kits of Ambient/Chillout music in WAV format using guitar, piano, synths and saxophone solos. The included ambient pads and piano tracks will enhance your creative ideas to produce successful Ambient, Chillout, World, Pop, Fusion, Experimental and Cinematic soundtracks. ‘Chillout Ecstasy Vol 6’ is packed with five Chillout Construction Kits with all separate sessions and audio tracks in WAV format usable with any DAW.
