Distant Wave Cinematic Ambient Sounds WAV

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“Distant Wave – Cinematic Ambient Sounds”具有超过 1.17 GB 的 […]



“Distant Wave – Cinematic Ambient Sounds”具有超过 1.17 GB 的复杂样本:这个卓越的声音库经过精心录制,提供 179 个行业标准 24 位波形样本。以复杂多样的声音为后盾,这个样本库为您带来了可用于制作的元素:错综复杂的层、经过处理和扭曲的录制硬件合成器纹理、深沉的音景、强烈的过渡、影响等等。现在可以立即下载,这个声音库是免版税的,不需要任何额外的费用或许可。
‘Distant Wave – Cinematic Ambient Sounds’ features over 1.17 GB of sophisticated samples : Meticulously recorded, this exceptional sound library provides 179 samples in industry-standard 24-bit waves. Backed with complex and varied sounds, this sample library brings you production-ready elemants as: intricate layers, processed and twisted recorded hardware synth textures, deep soundscapes, intense transitions, impacts and more. Now available for instant download, this sound library is royalty-free and does not require any additional costs or permissions.
