“女声”在一次下载中包含惊人的 1,643 个女声。五位女歌手为您带来循环、口语短语、句子、单个单词、片段、耳语和即兴表演,为您的下一个作品增添趣味。您将获得 1,643 首 24 位 WAV 格式的女声,并且 100% 免版税。大多数示例都包含 BPM 和密钥,以便于使用。声乐样本可用于不同的风格和流派,例如 Ambient、Chillout、Lounge、Pop、Soul、Electro、Dance 等。
‘Female Vocals’ features an amazing 1,643 female vocals in one download. Five female singers bring you loops, spoken phrases, sentences, single words, snippets, whispers and adlibs to spice up your next production. You’ll get 1,643 female vocals in 24-Bit WAV format and 100% royalty-free. Most of the samples have BPM and keys included for ease-of-use. The vocal samples are useful in different styles and genres like Ambient, Chillout, Lounge, Pop, Soul, Electro, Dance, and so on.