Foley Drum and Bass WAV

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以切分音、清脆的鼓声、扭曲的旋律低音、有机的纹理和丰富的电影音景爆炸; “Foley Drum and Bas […]



以切分音、清脆的鼓声、扭曲的旋律低音、有机的纹理和丰富的电影音景爆炸; “Foley Drum and Bass”将强烈的节奏与高端的声音设计和旋律融为一体,为您提供创作曲目所需的一切。使用 Primate 的这款优质样本包探索更具电影感的鼓和贝司。除了作为您的鼓和贝斯作品的绝佳灵感来源之外,这个包还可以为任何倾向于更环境、慢节奏或嘻哈风格的人提供很多东西。
Exploding with syncopated, crunchy drum breaks, twisted melodic bass, organic textures and rich cinematic soundscapes; ‘Foley Drum and Bass’ combines intense rhythms with high-end sound design and a melting pot of melodies, to give you everything you need to create your track. Explore a more cinematic take on drum and bass with this premium sample pack from Primate. As well as being a fantastic source of inspiration for your drum n bass pieces, this pack also has a lot to offer for anyone leaning towards a more ambient, downtempo or hip hop flavour.
