Groove Shadows AiFF

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Groove Shadows 是一个独特的版本,由环境、大气的循环组成,非常适合添加到您的鼓循环中。如果您曾经 […]



Groove Shadows 是一个独特的版本,由环境、大气的循环组成,非常适合添加到您的鼓循环中。如果您曾经创作过曲目并认为缺少某些东西,那么 Groove Shadows 就是答案。完美的凹槽集合,可添加到您的循环中,涵盖所有风格,BPM 范围为 40-180。最大的症结之一是基本原则,即循环能够使您的鼓编程看起来更专业,提供的相当可疑的演示没有帮助这种说法。这是个人品味的问题——我知道许多音乐家花费大量时间将古怪的小立体声噪音编入他们的节奏安排中,以维持听众的兴趣,但也有其他人认为这只是噱头。如果你属于后者,那么这张 CD 根本不适合你。
A unique release, Groove Shadows consists of ambient, atmospheric loops that are perfect to add to your drumloops. If you’ve ever compose a track and thought something was missing, well, Groove Shadows is the answer. The perfect collection of grooves to add to your loops, covering all styles, with BPMs ranging from 40-180. One of the biggest sticking points is basic tenet that the loops have the ability to make your drum programming appear somehow more professional, a claim not helped by the rather dubious demos supplied. It’s a question of personal taste as much as anything here — I know that many musicians take a lot of time programming wacky little stereo noises into their rhythmic arrangements in order to sustain the listener’s interest, but there are others who consider this mere gimmickry. If you’re of the latter persuasion, then this CD is simply not for you.
