<strong>Hip Hop Complete</strong> 是一套全新的经典包,它们以独特的组合组合在一起,完美互补。 Hip Hop 是一种受 Primo 启发的肥大放克音乐,具有断断续续的 stabs、和弦切割、简单的喇叭 stabs、吉他单音、破裂的噪音、曲柄节拍和肮脏、尘土飞扬的和弦。静音低音、罗德、和弦和转盘噪音都包含在内,无需额外费用。
Hip Hop Complete is a fresh bundle of classic packs which have been put together in a unique combination to complement each other perfectly. Hip Hop is a Primo inspired fat chunk of funk, featuring stacccato stabs, chord cuts, simple horn stabs, guitar one shots, cracked noise, cranked beats and dirty, dusty chords. Muted basses, rhodes, chords and turntable noise are included at no extra cost.