Texture WAV Ni Massive Presets-FANTASTiC

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“Texture”具有 Lush Pads、Crackles、Splash 声音和一系列深沉的有机声音。声音集 […]



“Texture”具有 Lush Pads、Crackles、Splash 声音和一系列深沉的有机声音。声音集是在 NI Massive 中从头开始制作的。这些纹理非常适合 Experimental、Chillout、Ambient、DnB、电影配乐和视频游戏声音设计。该包还包括 24 位 WAV 音频,键控并准备好用于任何 DAW。纹理是设计声音的重要组成部分,Industrial Strength 刚刚扩大了它的范围,通过将这个令人惊叹的新声音纹理集添加到他们已经令人惊叹的现代前期和后期制作的 FX 包集合中。
‘Texture’ features Lush Pads, Crackles, Splash sounds and a slew of deep organic sounds. The sound set is made from the ground up in NI Massive. These textures are great for Experimental, Chillout, Ambient, DnB, film score, and video game sound design. The pack also includes 24-Bit WAV audio, keyed up and ready for any DAW. Texture is a large part to designing sounds and Industrial Strength has just increased its scope by adding this amazing new sound set of textures to their already amazing collection of FX packs for modern pre and post production.
