“Vintage Guitar”是一款时尚而大气的吉他包,使用来自东欧和前苏联的 70 和 80 年代的旧吉他录制。使用捷克斯洛伐克的 Jolana、东德的 Musima、苏联的乌拉尔和托尼卡等模型。使用手工制作的放大器、标志性的苏联扬声器系统 Radiotehnika AC-90 和 Dynamic MD 品牌的麦克风,赋予它过去、冷战和铁幕时期的真实边缘和独特的声音。这个包包含从 85 到 172 BPM 的 100 个吉他循环,非常适合用于 Hip Hop、Trip Hop、Downtempo、Ambient 以及复古音乐和任何大气作品。
‘Vintage Guitar’ is a stylish and atmospheric guitar pack, recorded using old guitars from the ’70s and ’80s from Eastern Europe and the former USSR. Using models such as Jolana from Czechoslovakia, Musima from the GDR, Ural and Tonica from Soviet Russia. Using handmade amplifiers, iconic Soviet speaker system Radiotehnika AC-90 and microphones of the brand Dynamic MD to give it that authentic edge and unique sound of the past, the time of the Cold War and the Iron Curtain. This pack contains 100 guitar loops from 85 to 172 BPM which are ideal for use in Hip Hop, Trip Hop, Downtempo, Ambient as well as retro music and any atmospheric compositions.