161 个鼓循环,灵感来自世界各地的传奇嘻哈制作人!即时经典以流派为特色:Boom Bap、东海岸、嘻哈。这对于鼓圈上瘾者来说是毫无疑问的。标志性循环卷。 2 提供各种 bpm、鼓循环和每个循环的变体。所有样本均经过声音设计,旨在模仿 SP1200 的复古感觉。所有声音都是 100% 免版税,供您在商业制作、表演甚至 DJ/混音目的中使用。
161 drum loops inspired by legendary hip hop producers from across the world! An instant classic featuring genres: Boom Bap, East Coast, Hip Hop. This is a no brainer for drum loop addicts. Iconic Loop Vol. 2 provides a variety of bpm, drum loops, and variations of each loop. All samples are sound designed, engineered to mimic the vintage feel of the SP1200. All sounds are 100% Royalty-Free for you to use in your commercial productions, performances or even for DJ/Remix purposes.