来自新兴嘻哈制作人 Hayes 的新架子鼓。这个套件充满了古怪而有力的鼓声,伴随着从 Boom bap 到现代陷阱制作的各种 Hip Hop 风格。 Hayes 的鼓编程和选择已收到来自 !llmind、S1 等超级制作人的联合签名。这个套件不会让人失望。
New drum kit from emerging Hip Hop producer, Hayes. This kit is packed full of quirky, yet punchy drum sounds that accompany every style of Hip Hop from boom bap to contemporary trap production. Hayes’ drum programming and selection has received cosigns from super producers such as !llmind, S1, & more. This kit does not disappoint.