80 年代的合成器是一些最有质感和最强大的乐器,它们仍然对现代音乐产生重大影响。当我第一次听到 Netflix 热门节目《怪奇物语》中的音乐时,我受到了启发、兴奋和感动。以至于我创建了一组从这些纹理中提取的原始样本。穆格贝斯、琶音、厚实的合成器、丰富的垫子、大和弦以及激发许多不同情感的鼓舞人心的旋律。我为这个系列感到非常自豪,我很高兴能与你们分享它。无论是流行、trap、boom bap、电子、EDM、house 还是任何类型,这组样本都将立即帮助您创建自己的个人杰作。这就像可以访问一组惊人的 70 年代/80 年代黑胶唱片样本,唯一的区别是,所有的音频词干都包括在内!”
80’s synthesizers are some of the most textured and powerful instruments that still have a significant impact on modern music. When I first heard the music on Netflix’s hit show ‘Stranger Things’, I was inspired, excited & moved. So much so that I’ve created a set of original samples that draws from those textures. Moog bass, arps, thick synthesizers, lush pads, big chords and inspiring melodies that draw on many different emotions. I’m really proud of this set, and I’m so excited to share it with you guys. Whether it’s pop, trap, boom bap, electronic, EDM, house or any genre, this set of samples will instantly help to create your own personal masterpiece. It’s like having access to an amazing set of 70’s/80’s samples from vinyl, the only difference is, all of the audio stems are included!”