鸟居 Lo-Fi 节拍。装满了尘土飞扬的大鼓。这个惊人的音色库提供了迄今为止最通用的鼓集,其节拍范围从复古、爵士乐到现代、boombap 嘻哈砰砰声。所有的鼓循环都可以拖放,非常适合任何节拍器或说唱歌手。 – 试试这些鼓,亲眼看看!
Torii Lo-Fi Beats. packed to a grim with the greatest dusty drums. This astonishing sound bank provides the most versatile drum collection to date, with beats ranging from vintage, jazz-y ones to modern, boombap hip-hop bangers. All of the drum loops are drag-and-drop ready, ideal for any beatmaker or rapper. – Try these drums out and see for yourself!